Which Yoga Routine Is Right For You?
Yoga routine techniques have the potential to allow you to change many areas of your life, greatly for the better. You will be able to achieve a far greater mental clarity, and be able to reach a state of relaxation effectively whenever you desire, one you are practiced in the use of yogic techniques. There is a learning curve involved, of course, and several pitfalls which you need to watch out for on the way, but if you take the time to educate yourself properly and to find the right routine for your needs, you can make great progress.
The right routine for you depends on several factors, the most important being your own objectives. Not everyone has the ambition to become so advanced at yoga that they are able to sit for hours in seemingly impossible positions, while being in an apparent state of nirvana. While this advanced therapy is possible for some, and will derive great benefit, for most people the practice of yoga needs to be directed towards a specific objective. There are many who use yoga as a natural reliever of stress and it is highly effective in this regard with the right routine.
A routine which is used for the purpose of relaxation will not usually be effective for people with physical ailments, as it may involve moving sensitive joints or even resting the body on painful limbs. If you are intending to use yoga as physical therapy, it is important to devise a routine which fits in with the condition you are treating. No two people are the same, and there is no solution which can be applied in every case. The most important factor of all is the starting position, and this should be worked out based on keeping the parts of the body which are painful off the floor or support.

One of the most important but overlooked factors in devising a yoga routine is the time of day in which it is to take place. This is significant for several reasons. Firstly, if you schedule the routine for a time which is daylight at any time of the year, your body can benefit from the natural daylight as opposed to harsh electric lighting. This may not be possible if you want to carry out your routine as soon as you wake, which is the ideal time for anyone who has fibromyalgia or arthritis. The body can be coaxed gently into action before any of the major tasks of the day have to be carried out.
The most important factor of all with a yoga routine is to make sure that you don't extend it too long. If you try to do too much, especially if you have mobility issues, you could take your cause back rather than forward. Be especially gentle at the start of a routine, so that you can build up your body's tolerance to level where you can do more. This also allows you to see if there is any kind of negative reaction from the body to the routine you are using. If there is, there is sure to be an alternative.

A yoga routine needs to be designed with the specific individual in mind, but there are obviously useful guidelines which can be employed. If you feel that you are in need of a new routine, you can find many for free online. Make sure you choose one which either comes from a known reputable source, or which is corroborated by being recommended in more than one place. You can also use the video sharing sites to find a new yoga routine.
Author: Marc Knox

Technorati Tags: Yoga Routine, Yoga School, Yoga Teacher